Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hip Pain Sleeping Waist

Someone in this house, has become cleaner. There is a good smell, that indefinable mix that comes from the old stove, and there are posters where previously there was nothing.
While I was in Italy I felt I was not essermene never gone and now that I am here again, I can not seem to ever go essermene. This year nothing
horoscope. I wash away the smell of a night journey, I settle in that corner of the bench to read and study, I eat when I feel like it.
soon arrive one by one the floating creatures that inhabit my house, share coffee and take all the best from the usual, but always respectful kisses Francophile we salute you.

The sky is the color of a broken heart, maybe it will snow and I think they have done to renovate the church you can see from our windows, because before I heard the bells.

A square of chocolate and a sharp awareness: I have offered the opportunity to leave an impression of you that were honest and sensitive, but you preferred the road to ruin.


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