Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How Long Will The Drysol

There is a country ... I do not want

... in which every supermarket, even the smallest lost in the mountains, sells vegan products, including brands that had previously only seen online.
... where you can order a cappuccino with soy milk without you look like an alien.
... where there are entire valleys or buildings, just trees and green to no end.
I have not shot much, this amazing country called Slovenia, but every time I go there I leave a sense of satisfaction surprised, because I find normalcy in the things that usually are not.
I seem to go back to when I was little and we went to the shops "across the border" then I tried to find the childlike joy candy contained in boxes in the shape of Mickey Mouse and Goofy and heart-shaped biscuits filled the mysterious and today I feel the same feeling to discover that those cookies taste old still exist and are vegan! Ljubljana
the inhabitants of Trieste and has several vegetarian restaurants, as opposed to Trieste who do not even have one, walking along the riverside, you can stop in one of the many local and on the menu on the soy milk is often used, while in Trieste I have not found a bar that we have the ...
I like to dedicate a post to this country often derided here and the most challenging for me just a little oasis vegan)


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