a three-year period. Bill Viola
Academy of Fine Arts in Venice
Professor: Gloria Wallis
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki / Bill_Viola
Born in New York in 1951, Bill Viola is enrolled in the College of Visual and Performing Arts at Syracuse University, and began making video art in the early seventies. He works for established artists as Bruce Nauman and Nam June Paik. In 1977, in Australia, meets Kira Perov, who became the companion of his life in 1979 began to work and travel together. In 1980, Viola goes to Japan where he spent eighteen months for a scholarship cultural exchanges. In 1981 he worked for six months in the research center of Sony, experiencing the most advanced technology of the time.
* 1. Bill Viola, He Weeps for You, audio-video installation, 1976
The exhibition is key to his career Buried Secrets, by Bill Viola who represents the U.S. at the Venice Biennale in 1995.
The show includes classics such as video installation The Veiling
http://www.jamescohan.com/artists/bill-viola/selected-works/, Hall of Whispers, and especially The Greeting. The work, inspired by a painting of the sixteenth century Italian, Pontormo's Visitation, marks an important turning point in career, characterized video from extremely slow to the point of being closer to the world of painting than to the cinema, museums and rich in references.
* 2. The Greeting, 10'28''loop, 1995.
3. The Crossing, 1996:
These works are technically very different from those of the beginning: they imply the use of actors, special effects, and are turned by a film crew.
remains constant, however, the focus on the human situations and strong, primitive, rich in emotional content.
In 1997 he was given a solo show at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. In
2000 he started to use plasma screens and liquid crystal for his video installations. Viola
accentuates the iconographic references in his works, sometimes using actual quotes from art of the past.
* 4. Viola, The Quintet of Remembrance, 2000, video, 15 minutes loop, ed. 3
of New York, Metropolitan Museum
5. Dolorosa, 2000, video diptych on two LCD screens, 40.6 x 62.2 x 14.6 cm
http://images.google.com/imgres? imgUrl http://www.wga.hu/art/m/memling/2middle1/08sorrow.jpg&imgrefurl=http://christianart.blogspot.com/2006/04/vir-dolorum.html&usg=__ArHa0YLIKY10_w-6fgxcMF_-Wvo = = & h = 1122 & w = 806 & sz = 140 & hl = en & start = 2 & SIG2 = i2fV6aiJpNOwUSABqgS0OA & um = 1 & tbnid = cFv6t06Q0OQVmM: & tbnh = 150 & tbnw = 108 & ei = 8DKsSZGHA9b__Qbe5qDtDw & prev = / images% 3Fq% 3DHans% 2BMemling% 2BMelbourne% 26um% 3D1% 26hl% 3Den% 26client% 3Dsafari% 26rls % 3Den% 26sa% 3DN
In 2002 he completed his most ambitious project, Going Forth By Day, a series of high-definition video commissioned by the Guggenheim in New York and Berlin.
6. Going Forth by Day, video installation, 2002.
Berlin, the Guggenheim Museum.
7. Giotto, The Birth of the Virgin, fresco
Padua, Cappella degli Scrovegni
In 2003, J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles created a solo exhibition, The Passions, a series of works on human emotions, which gets rave reviews and an extraordinary number of visitors even in the later stages in London, Canberra and Madrid.
In 2004 he produced a video "four hands" for a new production Peter Sellars opera Tristan and Isolde, presented the world premiere at the Paris Opera in April 2005. Back to Tokyo in October 2006 with a retrospective that takes its name from a video of 1981, Hatsu-Yume, First Dream.
In 2007 he was present at the Venice Biennale with Ocean Without a Shore.
C. Townsend (eds), L 'art of Bill Viola, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2005
K. Perov and Bill Viola. Inner visions, Florence, Giunti (Catalogue of the exhibition in Rome, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, 2008-9)
Ellen Wolff, Digital Cathedral, February 1, 2002
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