Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Trailer Plate Ontario Personal*

Biennium 1. Iconography of everyday life / In Praise of Doubt at the Punta della Dogana

Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice

a) Iconography of everyday life

1. The CSI tour, video (CBS / Alliance Atlantis, 2002-03)

In this featurette included in the collection on the second season, Richard Berg, designer of the TV series CSI, it has room in the police station.

2. Navy Chair:


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third Lampada Poul Henningsen:


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4. Windows in the building industry:


b) In Praise of Doubt Punta della Dogana: contemporary art and icon

From the press release issued by Palazzo Grassi on 14/02/2011:

"On 10 April 2011, the François Pinault Foundation presents at Punta della Dogana a new exhibition, entitled In Praise of the doubt.

'Exhibition curated by Caroline Bourgeois on mandate of François Pinault, collect
historical works and new productions which explore the scope the disturbance, the questioning of certainties in
theme of identity, the relationship between intimate, personal, and the work.

"In Praise of Doubt The exhibition presents a selection of works by twenty artists, most of
half of them never shown in previous exhibitions of the François Pinault Collection in Venice.
Among the artists invited are: Adel Abdessemed, Marcel Broodthaers, Maurizio Cattelan, Dan Flavin,
Subodh Gupta, David Hammons, Roni Horn, Thomas Houseago, Donald Judd, Edward Kienholz, Jeff Koons, Paul McCarthy
, Julie Mehretu, Bruce Nauman, Sigmar Polke, Thomas Shutt, Elaine Sturtevant, Tatiana Trouvé, Chen Zhen.

"special creations of Julie Mehretu and Tatiana Trouvé will be specifically made for
within the Punta della Dogana.

" The next 2 June 2011, the François Pinault Foundation will present at the Palazzo Grassi World
belongs there. This exhibition, also curated by Caroline Bourgeois, propose a different point of view
, challenging the traditional boundaries of geography and art and our relationship
the 'other' and the world. The exhibition will include the works by forty artists from 20 countries
with a selection of works, most of which have never been shown in previous exposures
François Pinault Collection.

"From now on, Palazzo Grassi and Punta della Dogana
exhibition marks their programming in two separate rhythms: Punta della Dogana, true to its destination due to the presentation of works from the permanent collection
, followed by a large rate, similar to that adopted by major international museums
for the rotation of the stands, while the Palazzo Grassi will be characterized by a rhythmic
faster and with greater evidence of a role with respect to appointments.

"Caroline Bourgeois has curated numerous international exhibitions, including Valie Export (2003), Joan Jonas
(2005), Loris Gréaud (2006), Adel Abdessemed (2007), silver (2008), Cao Fei (2008), as well as
many works of François Pinault Collection abroad: Passage du Temps (2007) in Lille, A Certain
Etat du Monde (2009) in Moscow, Qui a peur des artistes? (2009) to Dinard.


For updates on the two exhibitions, see:


The restoration of the Punta della Dogana:

http://www.electaweb.it / book / card / Tadao Ando-per-François Pinault-by-lle-Seguin-a-bit-of-customs / en /


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