Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rogue Status Bed Sets

ELEMENTS 1. Leonardo processing iconographic Nodes, the Sala delle Asse, the Achademia Leonardi Vinci

Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice
AA 2010-11

a) Nodes el'Achademia

nodes, formed by tangled geometry also called "Cordell to damask, appearing in six etchings produced in a Milan at the beginning of 500. Dürer's woodcuts in as many copied them, omitting the inscriptions.
The carvers of the six cuts are not known, but the reference to Leonardo's invention that has never been questioned, since in the nodes Milanese period (or "win" in old Italian), to become the artist a kind of symbol, an emblem of staff which he uses throughout, drawings for jewelry, hairstyles, accessories, and decoration of the Sala delle Asse in the Castello Sforzesco.

* 1 .- 6., The Da Vinci knots, engraving.
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana

7. Copying from one of Dürer da Vinci knots, woodcut.

* 8. The Androgynous. Engraving of Leonardo's derivation.
London, British Museum

9. Three else of sword drawing
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Codice Atlantico, fol 366.

10. Leonardo da Vinci, Studies for the head of Leda.
Windsor Castle, Royal Library, Inv 12516

11. Leonardo da Vinci, Studies for the head of Leda.
Windsor Castle, Royal Library, Inv 12518

If Vasari considered the "nodes" Leonardo's simple entertainment, performed by the artist to demonstrate his virtuosity, for the iconography of the modern six engravings of the objects are all serious and very complex from an iconographic point of view. First, the inscription "Achademia Leonardi Vinci, raising the question of a possible" school, an academy of fine arts before his time, with a strong emphasis on intellectual and mathematical aspects of upbringing, that Leonardo was founded in Milan, under the auspices of Ludovico il Moro. Although there
documentary evidence about this academy Leonardo in Milan which certainly must have had the characters of the last supper friendly than those of a real art school in institutional, recent studies are in favor of its existence.
it anticipates more than half a century, the first academy of art history (established by Giorgio Vasari in Florence in 1562), and follows closely to the humanist philosophical academies, Neoplatonic impression, which flourished in the middle of the '400 , in Florence, the first examples. There is also a seventh
incision, also of circular shape and together with inclusion Achademia Leonardi Vinci, which has a geometric composition but not a figure in profile, in which scholars agree on the "divine androgyne," described by Plato as the highest human type of the species. So this proves the link between the da Vinci Academy in Milan and Platonic thought, which were inspired by the Florentine humanist academies.
Regarding the six "rose" geometric designed by Leonardo, this is a reason that at the time of Islamic derivation was applied to the decoration of musical instruments, especially the lute, the most common stringed instrument of the Renaissance (Headlam Wells, 1981, see bibliography). In these reasons
Islamic geometry survives full of mysticism, Pythagorean-Platonic origin, which aims to implement the image does not contain the qualities and attributes of God (Baltrusaitis 1955, see bibliography).
no coincidence that such "star" geometry appear insistently in centrally planned churches so intensely fascinating that the architects of the Renaissance (Wittkower).
The connection to the world of musical instruments, more precisely with a sharp instrument of Arabic origin as the lute, it is meaningless, because humanism in Milan had an intense impregnation of music, unlike that of Florence, more oriented the visual arts. We
inter alia, that the encounter between Leonardo and Ludovico il Moro was under the sign of music with Leonardo, a talented lyre player (reciter of poems and "suddenly", accompanied by the sound of the instrument), which donates a penny to the Moro or purple that he manufactured "silver in hand, in the form of a horse skull, something strange and new. " According to the neo-Platonic doctrines rediscovered
, music reconciles the human microcosm to the macrocosm, and the secret nature of numerical harmonic relationships can be studied and used therapeutically, or to make beautiful the proportions of a figure or a building.

* b) The Sala delle Asse in the Castello Sforzesco in Milan.

The Leonardo's most famous creation is the Castle the large fresco on the ceiling of the room "of the Axis" (so called by the boards or planks that covered the lower walls). Here, the artist painted a fresco a fake arbor, formed by the flowering branches of sixteen trees whose branches intertwined form the emblem of Leonardo's knot, which contains the center of the heraldic banners of the buyer, Ludovico il Moro, Duke of Milan, and his wife. The branches intertwined a golden cord, in harmonious spirals, the work was actually performed the wedding of Ludovico il Moro Beatrice d'Este, and is presumed to have been started in 1498.
(virtual tour: http://milan.arounder.com/it/castello_sforzesco/IT000007286.html)


The six recordings of "nodes" Da Vinci:
ALBERICI C. (ed.), Leonardo incision (Cat. of the exhibition at the Castello Sforzesco) Milan, Electa 1984
The "rose" of musical instruments and their relationship to the Pythagorean-Platonic theory of numbers, harmony, and therapy through music:
R. Headlam WILLIS, Number Symbolism in the Renaissance Lute Rose, "Early Music" I, 1981, pp. 32-42
The "nodes" of Leonardo and their roots in Islamic culture:
J. Baltrusaitis, The Medieval fantasy (1955), trans. com. Milano, Adelphi, 1973, ch. 3.2 The issue of the Academy
Milan Leonardo:
Pevsner, Academies of Art (1940), trad.it. Turin, Einaudi, 1982


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