Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fake Id Provisional Licence


"I want to know where you are tonight, but here are four and I can not sleep. I want to know what you're doing and who you are, and make you, if you've already met or we have only touched a few times, if we have been away without the slightest point of contact. I wonder if we'll meet and when. If we ever meet too late or just in time, or we will meet but we can not even understand that we were and how important we were for each other. I think you would recognize immediately, rather they are safe. I Just look in your eyes for a moment to understand that you, or just watch you walk into a room. It only takes a second, or not. But now where are you? Now that I'm so lonely and sad and hopeless, after all these vile men and mammon and cold and indifferent and sadistic and just plain wrong? Where are you? And there you are, then? "(Andrea De Carlo)

are not my words, but it's as if they were ...


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