Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ver What Language Is That

Dear Dad ...

How many words in our silences, how many hugs we keep inside while we salute you with two kisses on the We
cheeks ... so alike, fled to an inner world that we guard jealously wishing only that someone wants to enter, for each brick that we have made, we would have liked to shout "Throw it down!" but the voice never left and so those have become a brick wall. The child who crouched beside you in search of love has become a woman but deep down you still feel like that little girl while playing sudoku, find a way to get next.
All my life I have followed your unspoken love, in you and elsewhere, and the chase for a lifetime, along a road paved with mistakes and unspoken words, because in the end I'll always be the little girl curled up next to you ...


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