Monday, March 1, 2010

Infinite Money Emerald Vba Mac

it still make sense to keep a blog? With Facebook and the like now to bring the channel to the other part of him are endless ... But I like the idea a corner a bit 'hidden in expressing myself, and if someone will happen here because he feels an affinity or is intrigued by something or want to enter my world.
It' s a world of simple emotions, a constant search for balance, unanswered questions, song, words, laughter, disappointments. It 's a world, my, who found a small way since I became vegan, almost two years ago ... I like
the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom associated the word "vegan" choose not to use any means to make animal-derived free animals that the man regarded as objects to his service, but also to free themselves from guilt and inconsistency, is to love and respect life in all its infinite variations.
I opened my heart and mind and I became free.


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